('v')Birdie's Territory.. | ||||
Saturday, October 16, 2004 Was browsing the SI webbie and oh! Jerry is out...kinda expected lah, who wouldnt? Hmm was also reading their weekly blogs, hehe so interesting ya? Nice to share their feelings and thots at those special moments of their lives, dun really noe how it feels bein' one of'em but i guess it's definitely thrilling and unbelievable at times=)Reached home at 1130pm after service. Was another awesome one, and yet rather *hmm, wad do u call it?* erm, fresh? haha, sori ah my vocab limited...Ya lah, just very different frm usual sermons cos' PK touched on the topic of money$$$$$...I learnt quite a lot though, and from 2dae onwards im gonna change my perception, almost a 180-degree one, of $$$$$. Yeah, toking abt money, i'm broke now! eh wait, my mum just passed my a FIFTY-dollar note, PTL!!!!! Okay, lemme annouce again. I'm no more a "broker!!!!" Yeah! I wanna be prosperous, so that i can in turn bless others. It realli feels better to give than to receive u noe...if u dunno, just GIVE and u'll noe wad i mean=) Before svc was doin' some intensive study at church cafe...went to church at 3pm and studied till around 7 i tink. Suat came to join me at 4plus and ball came along after that. Hmm though i studied for quite some time, i felt that it wasn't productive enuff. Nvm, gonna study on Sat and Sun 2...realli must 'fa fen!' Yeah man, im gonna BIG and be FROG for good results. As long as i put in my fair share of effort and do my best, i'll just let God do the rest. Amen? haha =) i wanna score 'A's!!!! Alritey! Off to wad Pinky calls lalaLand...haha, she'll be at gate k and u'll see mi flying above u...cya!
Thursday, October 14, 2004 Woke up this noon to see an sms from NuNu, telling me she cud make it ald. Hee..but everything was rather last minute cos we'd ald called off this celebration thingy. In the end, Keropi didn't come cos' she was too tired after vball training(u forsake us!=P) and that Moo was so hard to contact that i gave up. Thank God she finali called me and said she was at Orchard ald, so Nu and i went over. We had actually intended to watch movie so we asked Moo(who was at HMV) to go meet us at Cine. Haha! u noe wad? she insisted that we go over to HMV to meet her, reason being-----she didnt noe how to get to Cine from HMV, so she wanted us to bring her over! Oh man, so incredible ah, this fren of mine...well, i shan't comment anymore=PHmm but by the time we went over to Cine, we realised there wasn't enuff time 4 us 2 watch any movies cos' both Nu and i had to leave at 5 plus the latest..so, movie time didnt come 2 pass=( but nvm lah, will be watching with ball 2mr anyway. Yeah, WC, here we come! alrite, cant believe i'm digressing again. So NU Moo and i decided to just sit down and have a snack at BK..hee, a bit pathetic for our bdae celebration rite? i feel bad but i can't do anything. Who asked all of us to be so busy...hmm, but at least we got to spend some time 2gether. But last year's bdae celebration was MUCH MUCH MUCH more fun! i remembered celebrating on my bdae, and that was afterschool, and all five of us were there=) yeah, we went to the Pizza Hut at CentrePoint. Hmm hope it'll be like that next year. Will it? Think it just boils down to each individual, whether or not we put in time and effort to make it happen. Oops, i seem really pessimistic, as though so unsure of the friendship we used to have. Haha but i'm not lah, just thoughts that came to mind as i start to think further. =) No pessimism k... Yep, back to the topic. After eating a lil' at BK, we made our way to Pretty in TOKYO to take neoprint! Haha t'was once again veri OOC...cos we chose the kind which had mani cameras at every level. Didn't have enuff time to design oso, and Nu made her own hair look like cat's ears! LOL! Yea so after that short time of fun and luppter, all 3 of us went separate directions----Moo joined her frens, Nu went 2 eat with her cuzzies and i went 2 PS 2 meet ball. After a while, it was BS time! BS was great 2dae=) i learnt more about Repentance and the importance of coming before God with a contrite spirit, that we shld oso confess all our sins 2 God. Yeah, definitely a good and timely lesson learnt! Yippee, closer step to Heaven, but erm...not now lah, of cos! After BS went to Starbucks to find ball. Her fren was there too=) So with our stomachs real empty, we went to Yoshinoya again w/o hesitation, knowing even wad we shld eat! Haha yesh, as u can guess, it's Salmon Bowl again! well, actuali ball has given it a new name..from now on, it will be SALMOON BALL k...Hee, dunno how u can actuali become so creative leh *hmm, ponder...* Oh yea, we saw Jane there too, and she was with her fren who oso is from CHC! hehe, wad a small world=) Hmm so ball her fren and i were toking...and after quite a long time we realised we still didnt noe each other's names...Haha, then i found out that he's actuali Kakaroto, someone who's in my MSN contact. We've chatted in IRC b4....yeah, just proves the fact that S'pore is REAL small! Yup, so after eating we walked around aimlessly and left PS at abt 9pm i tink. Alritey! My wings are tired...gotta rest!
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 Here's some crazy inspiration:Oh what a pity! We can't go out on the 13th why should our schedules be packed? it just makes everyone so lack! But as long as we try our best, I believe I'll get to see the rest. For this friendship shouldn't be forgotten, we used to see one another. Oh, so often. Well sad to say that was the past, that's just the shadow time will cast. So, just a lil' note i've got here: Don't treat friendship as something mere. Cherish everybody whom you noe, cos' u never know who wud go. I'm writing a silly poem u must be thinking, well too bad cos' i love crapping. I shall end right here for now, with a 'byebye' before i shut down.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 BOREDOM!!! i definitely have not gotten used to this studying lifestyle...so boring! i can't stand staying at home, studying, feels like i'm being quarantined or sth. Hmm guess i must learn how to LOVE studying. Can somebirdy teach me how to? =P Urgh! Seems like so mani ppl around me have ald finished exams...i really envy U guys, when is my turn then? birdie wants holidays 2!!!! HUMP!Haha...though bored-stiff, my stomach is really happie now=) Just had a sumptuous dinner--got curry, sting-ray(i love it!) and egg! Yeah, finally got egg 2 it, i wont mind being an egghead for once=D Actually orange wanted to have dinner with me, but too bad, my mum ald bought for mi so had to turn her down...Haha, but eating alone is fun too, isn't it? =P Hmm what sood i do now other than study? i feel like watching movie!!! Budden so many ppl's bdae coming, can't pamper myself too much=( Aiyo...but one thing i noe is that everyone would want a nice bdae prezzie, won't u? So, i soodn't be selfish lah *trying veli hard to think positive* Okie i've finally thought of sth that i can look forward to! Bdae celebration with Nunu, MooMoo and Alien 2mr! Hehe, so long nv seen them ald, other than Alien of cos...Hmm think we're gonna feast again. But that lack uh, dunno wad to say abt her. Rather study than celebrate our bdaes..so wet blanket lor, but actually i ald got this feeling she wouldn't come lah..so no diff=P See, once lack, forever lack! I gotta continue studying now...feeling uptight about 2mr's mtg! Hope we're gonna have fun and much luppter=) Oh anyway, sori for such a boring entry...but wad can u expect frm one whole day of studying? Nth rite, so, i'm back to studying again...BYE! Haha
Monday, October 11, 2004 woohoo! so happie to have my blog "refurbished"...at least got my AC face for ya to look at, haha hope u dun get sick of it =P...and Alien, pls dun take that as an excuse for drawing my protrait again ah...need permission from mi! hehe..oh yesh, now got tag board liao, thanks to ball ball for requesting=) Just "throw" ur Rubbish there k, anybirdy except humans are welcome...Haha kidding lah!As u can see, i'm super crappy 2dae...Maybe cos' i'm too bored, practically "rotted" at home the whole day. Oh no, that's really unproductive. Hmm i can't carry on liddat, the diligent birdie must come back to life. I need discipline!!! so i shld study now...kk fast one.. I woke up at 11 2dae, and bevan was still down with fever*poor thing...* But he's certainly better now lah...kept asking me so many questions, so NOISY!!! argh, nvm i shld have gotten used to it by now=P Yup, my mum was at home 2dae cos' had to look after bev..she bought a slice of cake 4 mi 2!!! haha, so nice=) hmm, but i dun remember wad happened after taking b'fast..think i was on the com the whole dae, thats why=P Haha really gotta change man... Okie, study time now! Oh! i forgotten to wish myself HAPPY BIRD-DAY, so this one is for U, Birdie!!! Hee, i noe it's a lil' late to wish myself now cos it's ald 11/10, but nonetheless, it still feels like 10/10 so still counted lah! ok that was lame=S ooh and it's not only my dae but Swee Min's oso=) So, HAPPY B'dae! It certainly feels different on ur bdae, it's like no matter wad happens, u'll definitely harbour positive thoughts in ur mind...and that's really amazing=D Hmm woke up feeling liddat 2dae, but snoozed till 940am so i reached church quite late=P Hump! and all of them sorta coerced me to wear skirt cos' the dress code fer sisters 2dae is skirts...haha but anyway quite exciting lah, though not reali used 2 it, felt rather airy and a lil' insecure too. Nvm, at least i managed to learn better "sitting-manners"=P Well, anyway THANK U so much 4 remembering my bdae and oso 4 all the prezzies k...as mentioned in my MSN nick, i'm really touched and grateful to ALL of U...once again, THANKS!!! i feel so LOVED, esp by those who chipped in so so so much! u noe who u are! I'm feeling lethargic now...came back abt less than 2 hrs ago from celebrating my bdae*dead beat!* After service 2dae, Aileen, Serene, Pinky and i made our way to Suntec first. We then walked around while waiting 4 Ball and Dolphin to come after settling their stuff...that was indeed a torturous moment for my rumbling stomach, haha and when our stomachs couldnt take it and legs too 'nua', we decided to go to Kenny Roger's to wait for them. Thank God they didnt reach after 645, and in no time we ordered our food and started chomping...hehe maybe not chomping but i was so eager to start eating=) Overall, had a FUN and crazy time eating with U gals, more of these sorta food feast to come k..haha, that was from my heart ;) Really thank all of U for making my bdae so interesting and full of OOC-ness!=P That's a compliment! After eating, we went to find the guys----Ronghui, David(tissue-butt), Darren and Jeremy...okay, so now there's oso a tissue-butt huh...that's an example of wad u get 4 teasing mi too much=P Yup then we(girls) made our way to the "private part" of the Esplanade, while the guys were taking their dinner at Suntec. Alien and Ball were super crazy and hyper 2dae, dancing their "Indian dance" almost half of the time we were there....haha, madness! thank God birdie, dolphin n pinky are normal=) so we were busy taking potos and lupping at how silly we looked...then the guys finali came and all of us just continued taking pictures and crapped non-stop, as usual...We stayed there for quite a while and then went inside esplanade 2 take pictures, again! yea, we're realli narcissistic man...but kerazee moments 2gether are best cherished i feel, by taking Potos. Agree? hee=) Left 'Durian' at around 1025. Then Alien and I went home 2gether. Yup, that's how the story ended...thanks 4 reading, haha=D Anyway, just wanna remind everybirdy 2 stay happie and positive k, for we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us! Yea, ALL things that is=) kk...birdie is slpy ald. BYE!
Birdie!!! Yo! U can call me Bird, Birdie or simply my actuali name Bernice=) Oh but i've got a new nickname now, it's Sotong...mainly due to my blurness=P I'm a happy birdie who lives for Jesus Christ! SO being part of CHC, i love my spiritual family a lot! Apart from being a church-goer, i love SLEEEEPING, chatting over the phone, watching movies, playing pool and learning french too! Oh anyway, welcome to my blog=) archives 08/22/2004 - 08/29/2004 ![]() "Chirpy Chat"
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