('v')Birdie's Territory.. | ||||
Wednesday, September 01, 2004 Yippee, so happie it's blogging time again! Hmm but today's one is gonna be a lil' similar to the 30th one...but who cares, i'm the one blogging and U, just read lah! well, today's also not really my day. Hehe, seems like it's hard to have a birdy day=P hmm nvm as long as i stay happie no matter wad happens(cos i've got Jesus with mi) and keep positising myself...i believe everyday can be my day! AMEN? ya Amen...so what's the moral of this paragraph? Positise urself lah..haha, o ya for ur info, this word is onli in found lek teng's dictionary *bleahwhat happened in the morning? oh ya, as usual lah, i took a long time 2 bathe and ended up at the clementi control at 950...haha, lesson was supposed 2 start at 10am, c how pro i m? =P then ribena and i decided 2 take cab down again...sigh, what a torture for my pocket=( worse still, the taxi driver didnt noe how 2 get to NP, and being a birdy w/o sense of direction, i couldn't direct him 2...argh! realli an OOC case...so in the end, we reached NP at 1015! makes the journey there by cab so redundant lor...worse still when the uncle didnt want to reduce the price...haiz, saded sia=( Haha and same thing today, i felt so sleeeeepy again..and even now as im typing this word, im yawning=P i was like in my own blur world the whole day, especially during the MIEC lect...other than pretending to listen to that cher's "rapping", i was either dazing or eating...aiyo, dunno y so alien again *scratches head* yippeee, but the only good thing abt 2dae was my CIP paper...wahaha, PTL again! this was the paper which i didn't pay any attention 2..okay, maybe onli a lil' on the day of test, but other than that it was all "heck-ness"...hehe, and guess wad, i got 35/50! haha, not to say outstanding again but it was really by God's grace lor...how cud i have done it so easily w/o even studying...hmm, so amazing=) aiyo, one of us blurries failed again and it was the same one..dun feel like mentioning who lah...i reali dunno how 2 help her liao. she even told ribena just now that wud quit sch if she fails the bstats paper, but the thing is she doesn't even go 4 bstats tutorial and is alwaes late 4 sch, how is she able 2 help herself? nvm, all i can say is that she has 2 put in her fair share of effort when she has 2 and just put aside all other problems...if not, there's nth we can do lor.... oh ya, just realised i've got many projects at hand, not really a time 4 relaxation now....bye and MGBU!!!!
Monday, August 30, 2004 Today wasn't a good day. first, i woke up quite late, around 10.30am and started getting very OOC cos my lesson was slated to start at 12pm...and 4 those who noe me well lah, i usuali take about 30-45mins to bathe=P haha and guess what? when i was supposed to tap my card on the ez-link sensor, i took out my keys instead...ahhh, that was really so embarrassing! thank God no one saw(i hope so=P) aiyo, this is how OOC i can get, blur oso right? my lesson learnt is to get more sleep in future so that it wouldn't affect my already WOLS brain, Well, everybirdy is imperfect. And this OOC-ness and blurness are part of my imperfection ;Dreached the clementi bus stop at around 1148 and realised that xiaoyun, angela and rachel were there....haha, felt so at peace then*no sense of urgency* after a while wormy appeared 2...wahaha! TB09 has reali achieved our crossing Punctual Line Award...Hooray! oops, if Juniper were to see this, he's gonna kill me...haha! sian ah 2dae, was so outta sort and couldn't concentrate during any lesson *SLEEPY* haha, guess i was almost like aileen just now, Sleeping Beauty of the class...even Ziyi said, eh bernice! y u alwaes slp 1? go and answer the qn lah! haha, oops..when did i become wad i've been calling alien all along? do we really reap wad we sow....*guilty* ;) aiyah, 1st day of school after hols and test feels weird...worse still when it's a monday in addition to table-topic. Argh! such an annoying topic that has been goin' on for such a long time=( that yan kai still saboh-ed me and called my register number...haha u gd, tiger beng! still dare call me a peasant? okay, that topic u guys had chosen was so lame and out of talking pt....purposely 1 rite? haha, so mean! how u expect us 2 rant on for 2mins on the canteen and its food??? LAME leh*here's an 'L' for U guys!* okie here comes the good part...we got back our MIEC test paper 2dae and i got 77! haha, not 2 say veri outstanding but PTL! really didn't think i wud get an A leh...haha, baby and i, the 2 who hecked econs tutorial the most, got the highest among our blurrie grp...hehe, dun despise the blurrest k! hmm but i feel really sorry 4 kokonut leh, cos she used 2 be top consistently during her ITE days...but when she saw her results 2dae, she was utterly disappointed=( hmm dun feel so sad k...as u said, u didnt put in much effort due 2 ur work, so believe u can do better next time ya? =) oh ya, i didn't give her my blog add, wad for put that down....toopid me! oh, i better rem to do sitties 2dae...feel so guilty i didnt do ytd=( wad was i thinking? aiyo, let my SC members down. haha, but they're no better....not even following their daily instructions. Alien, u gd lah, RC prospering...haha=P k lah, enuff crap....MGBU! buai..........
Sunday, August 29, 2004 ahhhh! i dunno how 2 say how i feel now, but its NEGATIVE 4 sure=( what a bad day...i really pity and feel sad 4 SUN. She's strong and courageous i admit, but i'm really afraid she'll cry 2nite. wah, i feel like knocking some sense into those idiotic buncha ppl who really think they're so great...so childish lor! i mean, what did SUN do that u have 2 throw lightsticks at her? Is a pastor as a singer realli a sin 2 u? and mind u, she's pregnant lor....furthermore Mr President also was at the front....show some respect can anot? i'm so utterly disappointed and disheartened by all those ugly and incorrigible singaporeans...sigh sigh sigh...okay lets 4get it...i was just here 2 pour out everything in my mind, am alrite now=) i just pray that God will give SUN strength at this time...noe she's really saddened by everything that happened, but i hope You will be there 4 her and let her noe that she's not the onli one gg thru all these...yup, i just pray everything will be over soon lah, dun wanna think or worry too much over worthless ppl=P and i have sth to say 2 my best fren: dun harass mi anymore! pls, i beg u....im stil human no matter wad and i can blow up 1 k....dun tink u wanna c that rare side of mi oso rite, dun test my friendliness and patience k. ok, if u dis mi a few more times, i wont be nice birdie anymore ah...so shoo! away from mi....thanks a lot, i'll be truly grateful...Amen
Birdie!!! Yo! U can call me Bird, Birdie or simply my actuali name Bernice=) Oh but i've got a new nickname now, it's Sotong...mainly due to my blurness=P I'm a happy birdie who lives for Jesus Christ! SO being part of CHC, i love my spiritual family a lot! Apart from being a church-goer, i love SLEEEEPING, chatting over the phone, watching movies, playing pool and learning french too! Oh anyway, welcome to my blog=) archives 08/22/2004 - 08/29/2004 ![]() "Chirpy Chat"
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